How to take the data of a specifc column from the variable of data scraping

Hi All,

I have this type of data on multiple pages:

abcd singh
degfth (job position) . abnddh (company)
delhi, India (location)

siya singh
anbdhsh(job position) . anvdgjf (company)
punjab, India

I extracted this data through data scraping and wrote it in excel
But when I am doing data scrapping then whole details come in one variable
But I have to divide the second line into 2 columns in job and company column
Just give me that much bta that how to get the column of (job and company) from the variables of data scraping so that I splitting this column into 2 parts.

can anyone help me?

Hi, You can also do the data scraping for the required columns only(not for all columns)

Check this link having example of how to do it.

Example of Using Data Scraping (

hope this helps you

Thanks for reply

but i want to all columns.


how to split one column into two columns at run time in data scrapping

I want to split this second line with dot and write it in 2’ column
and i want to split the data only at the running time of scrapping

abcd singh
degfth (job position) . abnddh (company)
delhi, India (location)

siya singh
anbdhsh(job position) . anvdgjf (company)
punjab, India

can anyone help me.

Hi @Sweety_Nagar ,

Is it possible for you provide a Screenshot of the Table that you want to Extract ?

We are trying to Achieve the Extraction of Each Column first from the Table, for that we would require to Know if the Column data is actually in One Column or the Data’s are in Separate Columns

write the data table to string using outputdatatable activity and again write that to datatable using generate datatable activity. Use . as a separator in generate datatable activity

I need one help , in my robot i am doing data scrapping and writing into excel.

i have data like "ram jaipur · Rajshthan xyz "

I am getting three columns in data table like below:

Column 1 column 2 column 3
ram jaipurRajshthan xyz

but i need data in 4 columns as below:

Column 1 column 2 column 3 column 4
ram jaipur Rajshthan xyz

Please suggest how to divide this column before writing in the excel sheet.

Hi, Can you try splitting with space as delimiter.

I suggest you to try this way, write the data table to string using outputdatatable activity and again write that to datatable using generate datatable activity. Use space as a separator in generate datatable activity

can you share the data scraping output

Thanks for reply
The solution did not work.
can you suggest me other solution?

inputArray = input.Split(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray)

For each ( set settings to string )

if with condition like this:
item.Contains(“(”) and item.Contains(“.”)

inside the if.
job = (item.Split("(“c)(1)).Split(”)“c)(0)
company = ((item.Split(”.“c)(1)).Split(”(“c)(1)).Split(”)"c)(0)

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