How we can take screenshot in RDP environment and paste that screenshot in word document.
welcome to uipath community
we can use TAKE SCREENSHOT activity itself and get the output with a variable of type Image
–once after that save that image with a activity called SAVE IMAGE activity where pass that output variable from TAKE SCREENSHOT and mention the filename to be saved with
–then go to design tab in studio and click on manage packages
–where in official tab search for uipath.word.activities and install that package
–once installed in the activities panel search for WORD APPLICATION SCOPE activity and mention the word document file path we want to save with
–inside the scope use another activity ADD PICTURE activity and mention the file path of that image
hope this would help you
Cheers @Rakhi11
hii thnks for the response can you suggest another way because I tried this it is not working means I want the screenshot to be pasted in word document
so if there is any other way