How to start second process at the end of first process?

Hello experts,
I have a scenario where i have use REF. When there is no transaction item, it moves to End State. At end state after closing all applications workflow, i wanna execute another process called “XYZprocess”.

How can i do that ? is there an way to do this ?


You can use a start job activity and trigger the required process

Or you can use invoke process also if you want to satrt on same machine and continue


Just Add Invoke Process in the End of End State

It mean, i should use Start Job activity only ?

First process will stop and then only second process will execute ?

For this i think i have to provide path of second process on config file if first process is published each time.


If you use start job and want the job start on same machine and user then yes once first completed second starts…if it starts on different machine or user then it continues its execution and first job will end

And if you use invoke process then the second process will start and the first will wait till it completes


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