abc - Copy.xlsx (8.1 KB) (58.4 KB)
Main.xaml (35.5 KB)
I want to extract recently added excel data and display it on the access forme
but in the program; when adding the file it runs infinitely
can you help me to solve this problem???
attached sample excel sheet, access forme and Uipath project
Thats really work
But now i cant hold the program to input another excel
When i input one then execute and end process
But i want to continue loop
How to do that ?
Then you need to schedule your process, so whenever there is an update in a file it will be executed.
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Thank you very much
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file change trigger activity is not working in uipath…wht will be the problem?..and also file watcher acactivity also not working…
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file change trigger activity inside the Monitor Event
can you please give me the steps to schedule the process
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