How to set up new DataBase Provider

Hi all, I’m trying to connect to a Tibco-database but I’m struggling a bit with setting up the Provider. I’m using the UiPath.Database.Activities v1.5.0 and I’m using the Excecute Query Activity.

I have gotten some help and have managed to install the Tibco driver and I can see it in the Windows ODBC Data Source Administrator.


But I’m not sure how to use this data source when using the Connection Wizard from UiPath:

Here is a link to some Tibco-documentation I was supplied with.

This is not my field of expertise, so would be great if anyone could point me in the right direction. Thank you

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Hey @ripers

Have you tried with other option in the wizard or by passing the connection string directly into the activity props ?


Hi and thanks for reply. I have managed to connect by using the Squirrel SQL client and providing the database-driver jar-file I was supplied with (csjdbc8.jar). Like so:

The complete URL looks like this (company-info removed):

The thing is that I had to point to the csjdbc8.jar file, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do that from the UiPath.DataBase activity.

I haven’t tried to supply the connection string directly as I also have to supply the username and password for the database.

I think I will need this strange driver in the Datasource-dropdown?


The “Data provider” field should be: cs.jdbc.driver.CompositeDriver
… I think.

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Hey @ripers

The connection string should also have username and password in it.

The stand-alone application you use for the DB connection - check if you can get the connection string from it after getting successfully connected to DB.


No I have checked now in Squirrel SQL, I have to type in username and password in the Alias-dialog.

I also had to add the new driver to be able to connect, like so:

I think I also have to add the driver somewhere in UiPath, then I would expect that I would fill out this window:

But instead of Oracle. ManagedDataAccess I would choose the tibco database driver. But I have no idea of how to add 3rd party drivers in UiPath.

We ended up making a REST-API instead, and thereby avoiding the issue completely. Will mark this as solved for now.

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