How to Set Queue Transaction Status to inProgress using API calls

I want to change the queue transaction item status to InProgress using Python API calls.

I have tried multiple ways to do it but not getting expected result.

I have tried OData/UiPathOData.Svc.SetTransactionResult,
But this will set the status to Successful or Failed if the transaction status is already InProgress.

Also tried OData/UiPathOData.Svc.StartTransaction,
But this will add the transaction item and sets the status to InProgress. In real working scenario this won’t help as this will add item and immediately start the transaction.

My requirement is after getting the new transaction item from queue, Need an API call to change the status to InProgress.




in start transaction if you give specificcontent as null it would pick the new item from queue



I have tried this way but problem with this approach is It will create another transaction item with status InProgress having Specific Content data as null and Transaction item with New status remains in the Queue.


i beleive you have given empty specificcontent instead of null

try like below

  "transactionData": {
    "Name": "ABC",
    "SpecificContent": null



I tried giving value as null for Specific content.

“Name”: “PythonQueue2”,
“SpecificContent”: null

This is giving 204 status code.
But I have one New transaction in the specified queue.


give robtoidentfiier as well and check…you can get from getusers api call



Tried this way as well providing the Robotidentifier, but no luck.

Let me know if it works for you and if any other ways can we set status to InProgress.

Thanks in advance.


Just tried all variations 204 is a success status but no item is getting picked …added as feedback…lets see
