How to send input parameters while starting a job

how to send input parameters while starting a job uipth

Create in_arguments for the whole project (in main) and when you start the job in orchestrator a list of parameters and names will appear in the parameters tab.

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Hi @brindhaS,
Please have a look at There are very good trainings like Level 1 - Foundation Training and Level 2 - Orchestrator which are covering also this area. With videos placed there it will be easier to get this :slight_smile:

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thanks for quick reply
i got parameters value in parameter job

how to use it while starting job

For each click on the pencil next to it, add a value, save, and after that start the job.

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Hi @brindhaS
Whenever you create a process in orchestrator you must have defined the paramters and that can done after creating the process and click the threeline symbol choose the paramter tab…so while running the project you can pass the parameters to those and run the job and you can see the option out here…

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thanks buddy

how to get that passing parameter value in main workflow while running

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By using the argument in your workflow. It will automatically get the value you set in orchestrator.

You can get the value from orchestrator through arguments buddy @brindhaS

and mention the type of the argument as in / out based on whether if you are passing the value to the project from orchestrator use in type or if you are passing from project to orchestrator or even to other invoked workflow use out type, for betterment use both in/out type


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Is that working buddy @brindhaS

yup working buddyCapture%20job

im new to this, how to give this parameter value to my workflow

is there is activity to get parameter values giving in job to my workflow


Get this value as arguments with in type in your workflow buddy and mention the value as data in our arguments value here in studio @brindhaS

To know more details kindly have a look at

@brindhaS kindly let know whether this works or not or will tweak the workflow a bit more…lets try to sort this out



buddy its working thanks

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