I have a scenario where i have to run some SAS queries and want to get output of it in UiPath , mostly have select queries
to be honest i have no understanding of SAS and dont know what is even SAS the only thing i can assume is its a data base , i have been assing someone else process without having any proper knowledge transfer or someting
is there any chance where i can use the existing sql activities of UiPath for executing SAS queries and get output
a query example is
proc sql outobs=1;
select memname
from dictionary.tables
where libname = 'KALP51' and memname like 'BRANCH_AQB_INDIA_%_MAIN'
order by input(scan(memname, -2, '_'), monyy7.);
if its possible within the UiPath.Database activities can you also tell me how could i get the connection to it ? will a connection string will do the work or there are some different configuration to do so