How to run SAS query and get output in UiPath

I have a scenario where i have to run some SAS queries and want to get output of it in UiPath , mostly have select queries

to be honest i have no understanding of SAS and dont know what is even SAS the only thing i can assume is its a data base , i have been assing someone else process without having any proper knowledge transfer or someting

is there any chance where i can use the existing sql activities of UiPath for executing SAS queries and get output

a query example is

proc sql outobs=1;
    select memname
    from dictionary.tables
    where libname = 'KALP51' and memname like 'BRANCH_AQB_INDIA_%_MAIN'
    order by input(scan(memname, -2, '_'), monyy7.);

if its possible within the UiPath.Database activities can you also tell me how could i get the connection to it ? will a connection string will do the work or there are some different configuration to do so


This document is helps to you

Try this

connection string is not propelry understandable thy have share the image with half of the connection string visible and gave a small explainaton which to be honest i didnt able to understand

this is the text

‘DSN (CData SASXpt Source)’

use activity of ‘connect to string’
pass the ‘coonnection string of sas’ in configure connection