How to use uipath Datatable like sql table and run query

hi all,

thank you in advance !!! :blush:

i want use UiPath data table same like sql table

like :- we have make one table in UiPath that table data assing from excel
but we need to use sql query like below
table name :- tblExcelData
Column Name :- PO
Column Name1 :- Customer

PO Customer
SDF 001
DFF 002
SDF 002

Select * from tblExcelData Where Customer=“SDF”

Thank You,
Ram Gurav

HI @Ram_Gurav1

Check out this blog and video link


thanks for giving quick reply but i want use same query for UiPath table not database table

Hi @Ram_Gurav1

There is no queries to take the UiPath datatables.
There is some conditions like
→ Iterate the datatable in the for each row in datatable.
→ Give the If condition inside for each row in datatable activity, In that write the


Hope it helps!!

Hi @Ram_Gurav1

  1. Use Read Range activity - Store it as DTRead

  2. Use For each rown in dataTable activity → pass the DTRead here

  3. Use if activity

