I have queue reference like below, Based on the environment I have to move that particular sequence.
Let me know how to do with Queue reference
Thanks in Advance.
I have queue reference like below, Based on the environment I have to move that particular sequence.
Let me know how to do with Queue reference
Thanks in Advance.
You can use the “Get Transaction Item” activity to retrieve an item from a queue, the output variable (transactionItem
) contains information about the retrieved queue item. transactionItem.Reference
can be used to access the reference of the queue item as a string.
If you get the queue reference & assign it to a variable you can use else if condition like this to run different flows
Hope this helps
I want read queue reference.
Use the get transaction item activity. Select the right Folder path & Queue name then assign Output to TransactionItem variable then to read the Queue reference you can use
Hello @ManjunathReddy , Try This
TransactionItem.Reference -----> Reference of the specific queue will be printed here
Using If Condition you can separate the Queue based on Queue reference.
Use Get Transaction Item activity (Output=TransactionItem)
Use Assign Activity
QueueRefrence= TransactionItem.Reference.ToString
For the further use
To extract the last word before underscore , you can split the string by underscores and take the last part.
LastWord = queueReference.Split("_"c).Last()
Switch activity on LastWord variable
Case “PROD”:
// Sequence for Production environment
Case “UAT”:
// Sequence for UAT environment
Case “SIT”:
// Sequence for SIT environment
// Sequence if environment is none of the above or not recognized
Hope this helps
Flow switch also works right?
Yes it will
Get Transaction Item (Get Transaction Item from Orchestrator)
Assign Activity:
Switch Activity:
Thank you
You can simply use a switch activity
And give this in expression TransactionItem.Reference.Split("_"c)(2)
And PROD,UAT and SIT as 3 cases
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