How to read all PDF files and add logo to each PDF file of each Page

Hi Team,

I have 10 PDF files ,each file having multiple pages.
I want to read each PDF file with multiple pages and add logo to each page of PDF file.
Please add your inputs.
@Reddy_Paluri @lakshman @sarathi125

I have created the bot ,but which doing my expectation only 1 PDF file every time.
Logo Validation_PDF.xaml (11.0 KB)

Hi @RajeshT,

Please provide full project we are getting error for dependencies.

Omkar P

Hi @Reddy_Paluri ,

I have update the project,please check. (18.3 KB)

Hi @RajeshT,

I tested your project with my input pdf and image it is showing logo to pdf by individual split pages

what is mean by Could you please elaborate your requirement for better understanding.
I have created the bot ,but which doing my expectation only 1 PDF file every time.

Omkar P