How to Publish only few selected workflows to orchestrator

When we publish the process from studio, whole folder (All workflows ) get published to orchestrator server.This might leads in unnecessary sharing of some confidential information(like password,typically in the case of Test cases).My question that is there any way to publish only few workflows??

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No buddy, We can publish only as a package that includes main.xaml and a project.json file
May be we can remove the one that we don’t need

And one more thing is that we can manage the password and other credentials with high security easily with orchestrator itself
We got an option called ASSET where we can Save the credentials or any important assets we need that to be hidden from other users

Cheers @AshishSoman

Thank you for quick help.

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Cheers @AshishSoman

one another doubt regarding publishing a package in devops. How to exclude some files (for example test cases) before publishing a package?

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There is no problem in keeping those xaml along the project folder unless we use them in our process by Invoking them (with INVOKE WORKFLOW FILE activity)

Still if we don’t need those to be in our project folder either then we need to remove them and then publish as here publishing happens as a whole package

Cheers @AshishSoman

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Hi, I created one Git repository in Azure devops and that has some dummy uipath workflows but now I am struggling while creating a nugget package for that .Could you please help to figure out this issue?

May I know the issue you were facing
Cheers @AshishSoman

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