I have a question regarding how Orchestrator works. We are just starting to implement the use of Orchestrator and I’m having some trouble understanding it.
Am I able to publish individual workflows? Our current file structure is all within 1 project, however we have multiple workflows within the project that I would like to run individually through Orchestrator. I saw one post saying I would need to make individual projects and copy each over, but was wondering it there was a simpler solution for this.
yes, you can. exclude other files from publish, click with the left button of the mouse in this file you want ignore and you gon see the option “ignore from publish”

(dont work with main and global excpetion handler)
i guess you want to run individual file instead of total project
if that is the case then right click on file and choose enable entry point
so that while running from orchestrator you can choose which file to run
Also refer for more details if this suits your requirement