How to Publish a project to Orchestrator without UiPath Studio

Is there any other ways to publish the project to orchestrator Without hitting this Publish button on the uipath studio ??
Is that possible ??
This question is asked in one of my interview


Yes, we can do but we need to publish the project to local, This will create .NUPKG. now navigate to orchestrator->Tenents->Packages->Upload the .NUPKG file.

That’s it

Hope you got the answer…


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You may create a nupkg file using the pack command:

You may publish after following:

You also can upload the nupkg file to Orchestrator via a POST call to /odata/Processes/UiPath.Server.Configuration.OData.UploadPackage


@THIRU_NANI Yes, This is the answer that i told to the interviewer, But he is highlighting without using the PUBLISH button. Then I said dont know the answer😅

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Hey @Praveen_Vs

Kindly check @marian.platonov post.

You need to use nuget cli to pack the files into nupkg.


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Got it, Thanks :+1:


Thanks for sharing…

I know about execution with UiRobot… but this is something new to learn.

Once again thanks


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