I have a used a build data table,
There is only one column in it as i want to first check it how it work.
I want to pass a variable which i have assigned to the output of a web scrapping activity.
Any suggestion how shall i pass the variable?
There is no need to build your own data table before scrapping data, because the Extract Structured Data activity will initialize a data table variable by itself
i am sorry my mistake @loginerror i used screen scrapping.
did you have done it?
I see. A small example would help here.
Basically, you will need to find a way to translate the string you got by Screen Scraping to a Data Table. Depending on the complexity of that string, it might be a simple or a more complex task.
For example, if all you scrapped is a comma delimited string, like this one:
Then all you need to do is to use Generate Data Table activity set up like so:
Note that it will also create your Data Table variable, so no need to build it beforehand.
However, if the data structure is more complicated, it might require you to post process the string before you add your data to your data table.
well i did it in another way @Joysogood @loginerror
first i used a build data table activity.
i named my columns as per the requirement.
then i added an add data row activity.
in that i passed the variable in an array and in the datatable field of it gave the output of my build datatable activity.
It works