How to match the queue item value with the extract data table value?

I want to match the queue item value from the data table value , when I do so
if the datatable value is 1,2(row values),
in queue the data will be add in the form 2,1.

So when I compare the queue value with datatable value both are not matching , how to make that it will match??

How are you adding data to queue
If you can share screen shot it will be helpful @naveen.s

@jast1631 ,

this is data table value will add to queue with unique reference

this is the value added to the queue
I need to match the in_RequesteNumber(which is as reference) with the case number of extract data table

If one queue item will be processed then you can have check of the value by queue item itself.

Now if u specifically want the order to be seen as per table
While adding data to queue
Use single add queue item activity

Iterate the table from last row to first row using while and inside this loop have add data to queue @naveen.s

Can you please show the steps i.e how to iterate from the last row??

Dear Naveen,

Based on the provided details - Could you please highlight why exactly you need queue item in the same order as that of Data Table

If it is to loop and get the right queue item - you have the option to get queue item by providing the reference value.

If your requirement is different - use sort data table and loop to match with queue details

Give me sometime will share