How to make website selector dynamic

Hi freinds,
i am currenlty trying to make a selector dynamic, by having a excel sheet of the button name and then it clicks that button. the problem is i keep getting a error message saying that it can not find the match of the selector. it does say there is a close match though. i dont if the naming of button on the excel sheet is the problem or somthing else. down below is the picture of the error and the method of how i tried to make the selector dynamic using an excel file. please help me make this selector dynamic.

I assume the button name doesn’t include the 00:00:00 for hh:mm:ss



That’ll give you just the date portion not including the 00:00:00.

thankyou sir, this was exaclty what i needed.

is there a video or anything that explains other issues similar to this

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