Hi guys, so I have to create a process where it’s supposed to extract the details for several items in a row on a website, and to do that I have to click on the “Actions” button for each item., image|147x348
The tricky part is that the buttons look the same, but the selector increases with each item
How can I create a loop where it goes to one item, gets back and gets to the next one and so on?
I’m not sure if this works out exactly but using clipping region it might work out
for click activity instead of using the selector as target element using clipping region might help since all the buttons are having the same name.
Open UI Explorer and click on button here on Ui explorer see the idx value. Then try for second button see the idx value. If idx value is increasing take a variable and make selector dynamic. It will work.
<html app='chrome.exe' title='Segurança Social Direta Consulta de pedidos não validados de apo*' />
<webctrl idx='1' parentid='gridform:coviErrosDataGrid:**0**searchCardForm:acoes' tag='SPAN' />
Where 0 increases to 1, 2, n…
Do i have to create a do while and then assign the selector variable to increase by 1 in the end?