How to Locate XAML Files in Published Nuget File After Converting Windows-Legacy Projects to Windows Projects

Why aren't the XAML source files located in the extracted 'lib' folder of the published Nuget file when the Robot executes a Windows project, unlike in Windows-Legacy projects?

Issue Description

After upgrading Studio to version 22.10, users can convert their Windows-Legacy projects into Windows projects. However, this creates a change in the structure of the resulting nupkg file when users publish the Windows project to Orchestrator. Previously, for Windows-Legacy projects, the .xaml files were located in the lib\net45 folder. With Windows projects, these files are stored in the "contents" folder.


For version 2022.10

  1. When publishing a Windows project into Orchestrator, enable the "Include sources" option from the Publish Options menu.
  1. Have the Robot execute the job based on this process. This will automatically download the process package into the Robot's default package storage location.
  2. De-compile the package source and switch to the "content" folder. While the "lib" folder carries relevance in the context of Windows-Legacy projects, all .xaml files for Windows projects are located within the "content" folder.

For versions 2023.4 & above

  • The Include Sources compilation setting is now selected by default when publishing a Windows or cross-platform project. (Refer)
  • Adjusting Library Settings can be done from Project Settings > General tab as shown below.


Read more on Automation Projects - Setting Project Compatibility.