How to know which time zone orchestrator is running

Hi guys
How to know which time zone orchestrator is running


Hope this may help you. To know the Time zone of orchestrator, can login to orchestrator and in settings tab, find the application settings page where time zone functions are available.

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I’m not familiar with the most recent version in Cloud, but at least with 2020.10 and earlier the default timezone has been UTC 0.

As shown by @nithyac the Timezone appears to be exposed in the Tenant > Settings > General in the Cloud; but if it is is still the same, this is the Display timezone and not the stored timezone/timestamps within the Orchestrator database.

For private installations at least with 2020.10 and earlier you will find it when logging into the Host Tenant > Settings > General



You’ll notice above that one of them for me is UTC-07:00 (tenant) and the other (host) is UTC-00:00. Where the Set timezone of the OS matches the tenant timezone… I don’t think UTC as a default is a problem for most, but in our case it causes a bug with NLog File Rotation when the OS Timezone does not match the Log Event timezone of Orchestrator, as it creates a conflict between actual time and timestamp of the log event causing NLog to rotate every second until both UTC and the Local OS clocks are on the same ‘day’.

I’ve mitigated the NLog bug by defining alternate rules for the rotation, but the intent would be to eventually adjust the Host timezone settings to match the OS timezone, but at the moment I’m not sure what affect this might have on existing database records and triggers, etc.

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