How to install Java extension on UiRobot

Can you please help in installing java extension on ui robot. Uipath Studio is not on the machine

here is a folder called “uipath” inside the uipath bot installtion folder where you can find the “setupextension” file , you should invoke this folder in admin promt and run something like
setupextension.exe \java this will install the extension.
ideally this should have been taken care at the time of bot installation.

Documentation of Setup extension

this documentation of Uipath talks about the same in a studio system.its pretty much the same for bot system too. but just that you need to navigate to the bot installation folder instead of studio installation folder.

I’m not sure if the documentation has been updated to reflect the 2020 versions of UiPath on this page:

The path to the SetupExtension.exe file points to a location that isn’t valid for the newer versions of Studio.

I found the tool in this path:
