How to handle the Pop Up message boxes and wait for them to be active

Hello Everyone,

Can someone please help me to solve the below scenario…

After hitting Run button there are the possibilities for two different Message Boxes.

  1. Confirm Result – Need to click on OK
  2. Error – need click on OK

    We do not know which Pop up will come first, sometimes the pop up will come in 10 Seconds or more than 3 minutes.
    How can we make the bot to wait dynamically for pop up?

Much appreciated your kind help in advance.



Use Element Exists activity and indicate that pop-up’s and set more time in TimeOut field.

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We can use pick branches here. 3 branches - 2 with the elemnt exist of the two message boxes and 3rd with a delay with time of upper threshold to wait. This is just one of the solution ,you can write other logic as well using element exists as suggested by @lakshman