How to handle file paths with spaces?

Hi Everyone!

I am trying to use a send SMTP mail message activity to distribute a file path to data my process has packaged together. The issue I’m running into is that the file path I would like to email has a spaces. This causes the link to break where the space is.

Example- \network\documents\customer experience\standard operations\

How do I handle spaces in file paths? This causes issues for the move file activity as well.



If your sending the link in mail body, send it liike a href link and enable property called isbodyhtml

Ex : send using href tag… Html tag look liks below

Result will be a href
c:\document\uipath workspace\test. Xlsx


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Thank you! But what about move file activities?

hello @RoboDan

you can also achieve that by using “/”…mention the path as mentioned below

FilePath = “C:/Users/Desktop/Uipath Folder/Issue.xlsx”

instead “\” use “/” it will solve the problem



Awesome, thank you so much Ajju!

cheers buddy :slight_smile: have a happy development


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