How to get text from a selected combo box


Any solution to read the selected combo box from a pdf?
i have tried to use get text but not working.



Did you try with Read PDF?

Can you share the sample pdf, so that we can try


Im using get text all the way, its working fine by using get text from other text boxes. But only on this combo box, retrieve noting.


Can you share the selector of the Get Text for this combo box

If you have any sample file, you can share to check


<wnd app=‘acrord32.exe’ cls=‘AcrobatSDIWindow’ title=‘MaleNo.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Reader DC’ />
<wnd aaname=‘Document Pane’ cls=‘AVL_AVView’ title=‘AVScrolledPageView’ />
<wnd cls=‘AVL_AVView’ title=‘AVPageView’ />
<ctrl idx=‘1’ name=‘Lieutenant’ role=‘list item’ />

Here’s the selector
Im not sure i am able to share the file, its from company


<wnd app=‘acrord32.exe’ cls=‘AcrobatSDIWindow’ title=‘MaleNo.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Reader DC’ />
<wnd aaname=‘Document Pane’ cls=‘AVL_AVView’ title=‘AVScrolledPageView’ />

<ctrl idx=‘1’ name=‘*’ role=‘list item’ />

Make the selector dynamic as above name=‘*’ instead of name=‘Lieutenant’

Mark as solution if this helps


Sorry, not working

@lyjun550 Using Get Text Activity with the below Selector worked for me, for the sample that you had provided, not sure if the selector’s are the same for the one you’re using but it’s similar to it :

<wnd app='acrord32.exe' cls='AcrobatSDIWindow' title='MaleNo.pdf - Adobe Reader' />
<wnd cls='AVL_AVView' title='AVPageView' />
<ctrl role='combo box' text='*' idx='1' />



Try this Workfow.

Hope this helps!!!

Happy Automation !!!

Aman Sheik.

PDF (371.6 KB)

1 Like

Work! thanks!

1 Like

Working! Thanks!

@supermanPunch @aman_sheik
How bout this

Theres an image blocking it? I unable to get text from the pdf
In the last page

@lyjun550 No. Actually If you keep the mouse hovered overed the Date part and just move a little by little to only detect the Date part. You should be able to get the Date Element. I was able to get it in that way now.

Can you send me your selector please?

@lyjun550 Check this :

<wnd app=‘acrord32.exe’ cls=‘AcrobatSDIWindow’ title=‘MaleNo.pdf - Adobe Reader’ />
<wnd cls=‘AVL_AVView’ title=‘AVPageView’ />
<ctrl name=‘Witness Sign Date’ role=‘editable text’ />

This working fine, i mean the page 11. the last page of the pdf
I tried modify the name, still not working for me

@lyjun550 Yes. Changing the Selector should have worked actually, but Since it is being blocked by that image, it can’t be recognised. Will the Date be different than the first Date that is present on the left of it ?

You can Also take a look and experiment with the Activity present below, until we can find a more simpler way to extract the value through UI Actvities :sweat_smile:

Also is it necessary to extract the values using UI Activities ?


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