Things I have tried-
1-Data Scraping from Adobe Acrobat- Is not taking the Whole table.
2-Epsilon AI- Taking too much time,
Not taking the desired table
Not getting Table
3- Feat System(Pdf to Excel)- Not giving the structured Info.
@shobhit.sachan If it is not a scanned PDF, then can you try and use the Read PDF Text Activity and check if the Data that you want to extract appears in a table manner, then maybe we can use regex to group the columns of the tables according to the pattern it resembles. But we would need to have a sample pdf of the same format to be sure if it’s possible using regex.
Say if you have multiple files in the folder …
1.use directory.getfiles(path) to get all the file names
2. For each loop of file name
3. Use CV scope and CV extract table inside the loop
4. Write Range to write the output (if you output in different excel then in the write range just use your filename.xlsx …