How to get started with UiPath Go!

Here are a few steps to get you started:

  1. Curious to have a look? Sign up here.

  2. Want to let the world know about yourself and your RPA Experience? Update your new UiPath profile. Remember: Be smart, be fun, be innovative!

  3. Interested in becoming a Contributor? Follow this link), it will redirect you to your profile to perform necessary updates required to upload content on the Go!

    • Note: Some components have not been associated with the right authors/owners - this is because the authors have not signed up yet as Contributors on the platform. If that is the case for you, please reach out to us (by simply clicking on the Contact Us option from the Help menu - top right corner) after you have created your Contributor account and we will recreate the links for you.
  4. Do you already have components to upload? Simply upgrade your profile to become a Contributor and you will have the option Upload Component available in the user menu.

    • Note: Each component will pass through a curation process. In case of discrepancies, do expect our Go! Team to contact you back. Check out our publishing guidelines and tips and tricks here.
  5. Are you a UiPath partner who has already worked with our Go! Teams and generated content for your company? Sign up, apply to Become a Contributor and write us through Contact Us requesting to either associate you with an existing company or generate new Company profile.

    • ATTENTION: Our Go! Teams will perform authorization checks before doing so - hence, do ensure you are an authorized user for such requests. Once associated as admin for the Company, you can proceed with updating your Company profile details and use our Go! Platform as a space for your company to shine in the RPA space!
  6. Have you found any bugs in the platform? Great!, we would like to hear from you - simply use the Contact Us in the Help menu. Before doing so, please check out this FAQ entry with the known bugs and issues we are currently working on. We plan for minor releases every end of the week and we will keep you all updated!

  7. Wondering what is going to happen with our Gallery feed? With the official launch of the Go! Platform (happening very soon! :wink: we will decommission the Gallery, please use the new Go! Platform instead.


Does this mean that any robots currently utilizing activities from the gallery feed will need to be updated with the same activities from the Go! feed?


Hi @ovi and @DanielTataru ,

Really it is superb. Nice design. So customized . Presentation is excellent. Filter option is so good. Now the gallery has been entered into new level :slight_smile:




:smiley: :smiley:


I was wondering about this too. Also, if you set up the NuGet.config on each machine where Studio is installed with the feeds, it will make migration easier I think.

I’m hoping it is as easy as that.


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Wow! this is something else, so cool

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Hi Dave,

Yes, that is true, since the Gallery feed will be replaced by Go!. One cool thing about Go! is that you can now create your own private feed and link that to Studio. That’s where you will find all the components you CHOOSE to send to it, instead of having everything.

Hope you will enjoy it :slight_smile:

Gallery was not meant to be used with production bots, but instead you would upload the component on your own Orchestrator feed. As soon as we will have a proper Studio integration in Go gallery will be discontinued.

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Really nice to use overall and looks easy to navigate through. I have uploaded a component and there were a couple of bugs in the process - I have sent the info through via the “contact us” link on the help menu as advised :slight_smile:


Great Awesome!!! looks good :ok_hand::+1:


Awesome work UiPath. Blessed to be part of this great community. This will allow businesses worldwide to disrupt the definition of work at an even faster pace!


That’s right, Bas, we are aiming to accelerate the work pace :slight_smile:

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Go! looks cool.

i have few packages in gallery. Will they be moved to Go! platform or should i upload the same packages to Go?

Hi Dineshary,
Go! holds more information than the Gallery in terms of details about the package. It would be great if you could upload them on Go!, else we will have to be in touch and document all the missing details together.


UiPath Go!

Wow Awesome :star_struck: good work UiPath Go Team
It’s really too useful for others can upload or download our packages, custom activity, reusable component etc.,
Looks good :ok_hand:



I may have missed this, but is there a “request” or “I’m currently building…” feature? Not that I want/need to request anything, nor am I currently in a position where I could upload much, but might be a nice idea if people are really struggling that people could help them with components or if there’s a list of what people are making (and rough % completion) others could see what’s coming soon?

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Hi Alex,
We don’t currently have that, but stay tuned! In the next few months we are planning to build a “Projects” space, where people can collaborate and build amazing things together. That’s where you will be able to watch the “in progress” stuff, and why not, help develop them :slight_smile:.


wow…UiPath Go! <3 is amazing.Nicely customized …Kudos to the UiPath Go Team :slight_smile:


This is amazing! Just one question, how long does it take from you add a Activity from Go! into your online library and it is showing in the package manager in your local studio?

Been 30 minutes since I integrated my Go! account to my Studio.