Go is Here!

UiPath Go! is here to stay

Go! makes automation easier for everyone - you can download and use pre-built automations from the UiPath Community or you can build solutions that integrate with specific vertical lines of business and define best practices around them.

Got automation ideas? Build and share them with the world’s leading RPA Community, then watch its users review and expand on your ideas. Be an inspiration and talk about your solutions through webinars, press releases, case studies and other UiPath joint operations.

Please keep in mind this is a beta version :slightly_smiling_face: Bare with us, not everything is perfect … yet! :slightly_smiling_face:


What is the difference between go.uipath.com and gallery.uipath.com?


Hi JOrdinas,

UiPath Go! is an enhanced version of the Gallery, and as mentioned here, the Gallery will be decommissioned soon. Check out UiPath Go! and see for yourself!

Stay tuned :slight_smile: