How to get Nuget package in Uipath Assistance without connecting to Orchestrator

I have published my workflow as custom package using UiPath Studio and I have located that Nuget packages in “C:\ProgramData\UiPath\Packages” this path. How to get this nuget packages in UiPath Assistance and Assistance should not connected with Orchestrator.
Thank you.


If the package is already present then use this option to run assistant in offline mode


If I have to do Assistance office first I need to sign out then below the page will appear, there is not package will display to run


Click on the person icon on top right then go to orchestrator settings you would see it


Ya. I Got this point. But when I run the process it is showing “a Local license is required” error.


Are you on community license?

If yes then in latest it has been removed…if you have enterprise then you can activate offline mode license


I have Community license


Then this feature is removed or restricted to allow only licenses robots to work. So you cannot use it


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ok. Thank you so much

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