How to get local user data from one VM to another in UiPath studio?

I want to get local user data from one VM to another, how can I ?

I am getting my current VM’s (where UiPath is installed) local user name list using Invoke power shell activity and the same way I want to get all the VM’s (around 60) local user list.
here I am mentioning the workflow for the task-

Using above code I am getting the local user list however not getting all VM’s local user data.

Please help me on this.

Thanks in anticipation !

Think it will only return the list of users from the VM the robot is working on, so you would need to run the automation on all vm’s then combine the list

Hi @rmorgan,

so you would need to run the automation on all vm’s then combine the list- that’s what I am trying to get however not getting. could you please suggest how to get all VM’s local user list ?

Thank you

Can anyone please reply on this??
