— Once after getting the datatable with READ RANDE activity with a variable named dt then use a FOR EACH ROW activity and pass the variable dt as input
—inside the loop it can done with LOOKUP DATATABLE ACTIVITY where here we need to use two lookup datatable activities
And in the property panel mention these stuffs
Input - “the value we want”
Datatable - dt
Lookup column name - “column name” //where we want to search which will be here “A” column
Out Result - str_output1. Which will be our output value of one column we need
Target column name - “output column name” //where we want to get the output from which will be here “E” column for first
Then use another LOOKUO DATATABLE activity and get the output but mention the Target column name alone with a next column name like it would be “F” column and our result with a variable named str_output2
So if our input value of from “A2” then we will be getting the first output with first lookup datatable activity from “E2” and second output with second lookup datatable activity from “F2”
Hope this would help you
Kindly try this and let know for any queries or clarification
Cheers @Raja.G
On the basis of what I understood the answer for first query.
Use a for each row to iterate through your DataTable of first Excel and use a If Condition on the column you want to check value of , when the condition satisfies then add the columns you want to paste in another excel in ‘add data row’ and write the Datatable at the end.
If you want to add the values of first excel in exact cell/row of Second Excel than you can use DT.Rows.rowindexof(row) to get the index of row.