How to find image in a browser and do a condition to false or true

Hi to everybody,

i’m trying to find an image and do some condition if it is false or true…can sombody show me the steps to do it??

I tryed everything…but i think is my fault…because i’m new of uipath studio…but i can’t find any tutorial about this problem…

In other words, i want to find an image on screen in firefox browser and make a simple decision if true if the image exist or false if the image don’t exist???

i thank you a lot in advance,

same applies to image

thank you for your answer dear vvaidya,

but that method don’t apply to me… i don’t want find an element on a window…but i need to find inside a web browser if an image exist and then take a condition if true or false…do you have any other idea?? please? this problem is blocking me with my software development…thanks again lestroso

As I said earlier, Image exists logic is same as element exists.Attached is your req.

ImageExists.xaml (8.3 KB)


Dear vvaidya,

i have tryed your software, but it works for half… i think there’s a bug with uipath studio…When i try to change the address of page destination, the ui path studio always talk to me that there’s always the microsoft logo on screen, but in truth not because i have changed the page destination!!!

Here i enclose here my software to show you…can you help me?? is it my fault or path studio?’ thanks a lot , lestroso

Sorry, cannot download the file from that domain due to restrictions. But when I change destination for my code, it says no log found.

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Dear vvaidya,

thank you again for your answer…but in my opnion this software ui path studio is very unstable and full with bugs!!!

i tryed your software but go and don’t go… it’very unstable…sometime find the image and sometime don’t find the image… how i can work with these problems??
i use this version stable 2017.1.6309 microsoft windows 10 home 64 bit .net 4.0.30319.42000

And also the software ask always me for the free license…ok but annoying…
and again there’s a big bug i think with the browser extensions…because always ask to me to reinstall the extension for firefox and chrome…
can somebody help me???
Thanks a lot,

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Hi Vaidya,

Good Job,
Could you please let me know this will work for SAP & Citrix


Yes, it will definitely work. Just ensure the image doesn’t appear on the error screen where you would end up with a TRUE value.

can we do this to read unread mails as well?

Im unable to open the .xaml file in latest version of Uipath