I have a table, I have to filter the table with respect to “Joining date” column the date is “30-Aug-22” and in excel the column is in date format.
Can you please any one help me… Thank You
Employee.xlsx (8.5 KB)
Hi @vanithavs
You can change the format of the column using Change Cell Format activity
Check out the XAML file
FilterDate.xaml (9.5 KB)
I am not getting your what type of issue you are facing.
for filtering we do have following options:
for analyzing the details within the read range we can do:
[FirstAid] Datatable: Debug & Analysis invalid DateTime Strings / String to DateTime Parsing Issues - News / Tutorials - UiPath Community Forum
Once you ghave cleared the format representing the dates the filter approach option can be decided and implemented.
feeld free to share with us the date sample values from the data table after the initial analysis, so we can also help for the appoach selection and implementation based on this
Hi Vanithavs,
Follow the below steps to achieve your task:-
- Use Filter datatable activity, Click on Configure.
- Provide Input DataTable , provide the row name as “joining date” , condition as “=” and Values "“30-Aug-22”. refer the attach screenshot for the reference.
If this sounds good to you, please mark it as an SOLUTION.
This is not working because the date “30-Aug-22” column is in Date format in excel. So please any one help me regarding this.
what is the second activity you have used
Hi @vanithavs
Check the screenshot
Go to manage package → All package → Install balareva.excel.activities
Hi, Thank for your suggestion…
But I can’t use third part package, can you please provide me any other suggestion.
Hello @vanithavs ,
You can use the excel application scope and .Select method to achieve this.
Used Query :
outputDT = InputDT.Select(“[Joining date]=‘30-Aug-22’”).CopyToDataTable
Output :
Workflow :
Forum_DateFilter.zip (2.5 KB)
Here am getting value as 0
DT.Asenumerable.Where(Function(r) CDate(r(“joining Date”).tostring).Date=CDate(“30-Aug-22”).Date).Copytodatatable
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