Currently I have this query in which
dateColumnName - Is the variable in which i am storing the column where date is appearing
date1 - contains Tomorrow’s date
The Query :
dt.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(row) CDate(row(dateColumnName).ToString).Date.ToString(“dd-MM-yyyy”).Contains(date1) andAlso Not(row(12).ToString.Trim.Equals(“Cancelled”))).CopyToDataTable
Now this query fetches me the record for the required date which is 18th May
Now what I want to do is at every end on the month it should fetch the records of the whole next month
Like today is 17th May, Once it is 31st May. It should fetch me the records of the whole june month,
Once it’s 30th June it should give me the records of the whole July month
Once it’s 31st july it should give me the records of the whole august month
Any help is appreciated