I have Data Like This
So Current Month is August, So I want to retrieve Data as
Once The Month Changes to September That is on the 1st of September that data should be retrieved as
Same Goes for October and So on
Any Help is appreciated
I have Data Like This
So Current Month is August, So I want to retrieve Data as
Once The Month Changes to September That is on the 1st of September that data should be retrieved as
Same Goes for October and So on
Any Help is appreciated
Retrieved the September month
DateTime.Now = August
row("Column name").Tostring.Contains(DateTime.Now.Tostring("MM"))
Try this
In then block you’ll get all the Current month Data
in Else block you’ll get the Remaining Data
FYI, If we can add column headers in advance, as the following, we can extract it using column name.
Sample20220804-3.zip (9.7 KB)
What If there were No Column Names Then How would we retrieve them ?
My Date Columns aren’t in Fixed Position Like in the above Sheet they are in the Columns C, D and E respectively, but sometimes they appear in the columns say G,H and I
Like Sometimes my data looks like this
Then How would we tackle this situation ?
If date format is always dd-MM-yyyy format, get the target column index, first, as the following.
colIndex = dt.Rows(0).ItemArray.Select(Function(o,i) if(DateTime.TryParseExact(o.ToString,"dd-MM-yyyy",System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.None,New datetime) AndAlso DateTime.ParseExact(o.ToString,"dd-MM-yyyy",System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString("yyyyMM")=Now.ToString("yyyyMM"),i,-1)).OrderBy(Function(i) i).Last()
Sample20220804-3 (2).zip (9.9 KB)
try this, you can also move the date columns around and it should still work
Book1.xlsx (9.6 KB)
test12334.xaml (14.0 KB)
before (Sheet1)
after (sheet2)
sorry, use this
test12334.xaml (22.5 KB)
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