I have a table like this
What I need to do is I need to fetch the whole row in excel wherever the date 18 May is appearing
PS. Table has no headers to it
Any Suggestions ?
I have a table like this
What I need to do is I need to fetch the whole row in excel wherever the date 18 May is appearing
PS. Table has no headers to it
Any Suggestions ?
in general it is a filter task on Excel / Datatable after read range
for missing headers we can use the column index in case of datatable
Exactly. Can You provide me a solution to this ?
Try this with an Assign activity:
dtFiltered =
(From i In {0}
Let matchingRows = dt.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(r) r(1).ToString.Trim.StartsWith("18 May"))
Select If (matchingRows.Count > 0, matchingRows.CopyToDataTable, dt.Clone)
add 2 columns, Day and Month column then
assign Day = day of 2nd column
assign month = month of 2nd column
then filter datatable where day=18, month=5
testt.xaml (9.5 KB)
That seems to be just the headers (i.e. no matching rows). Is the date not always in the second column?
No it’s not, I have Multiple date columns
if you dont want additional columns,
filteredDt = dt.AsEnumerable.Where(function(row) cdate(row("Column1").ToString).Day = 18 and cdate(row("Column1").ToString).Month = 5).CopyToDataTable
If the date can be in any column, then the expression should be:
(From i In {0}
Let matchingRows = dt.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(r) r.ItemArray.Any(Function(x) x.ToString.Trim.StartsWith("18 May")) )
Select If (matchingRows.Count > 0, matchingRows.CopyToDataTable, dt.Clone)
Well I got the Output with this Only thing is I don’t want the time (00:00:00) in this.
Also What If My date column is random. So what code should I put in that case ?
create dateColumnName string variable
then loop over all the columns, if 1st row of column contains date, then that column = dateColumnName
then loop over datatable and remove 00:00:00 for dateColumnName
replace Column1 with dateColumnName too
refer to this
find date column and remove 0.xaml (11.2 KB)
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