How to extract text from pdf image file

While using Get OCR text. I am facing the below message. Can you help me
how to extract text from pdf image file.

did u given the API key and Endpoint URL. If given check once again

Try Tesseract OCR instead of UiPath Screen OCR.

first use load image activity and pass that output var to ocr , you can use omni page ocr or tessaract

Hello @VJK ,

In the Get OCR Text, you are using UiPath screen ocr. It has to be activated with api key.
Else what you can do is search for ocr in the activities panel and replace the UiPath screen Ocr with Tessaract or google API.

Check whether you are getting the error still.

Thanks for your response.
Case is resolved.

Solution: Get OCR Text - While indicating the screen,
Use F3 or Fn+F3 key- To select the exact value from PDF image file