How to extract data from pdf with singature

how to extract data from pdf with singature


Read PDF Text, Output: pdfText

Process pdfText to extract relevant information

Use OCR or image-based techniques to handle signatures

Further processing and data extraction



-Use “Read PDF Text” activity in UiPath to extract text from the PDF document. This activity reads the text content of the PDF.
-Since signatures may not be directly extractable as text, you might need to identify the pages or regions where signatures are present.
-You can potentially use OCR (Optical Character Recognition) activities in UiPath to extract text from images or use image-based techniques to identify and extract signatures.

-If signatures are added as annotations or images, you might need to explore PDF automation techniques to identify and extract such elements. UiPath provides activities like “Get PDF Text,” “Get PDF Page Activities,” and image-related activities that can be helpful.

Hi @Ankit_shukla

UiPath has a product called Document Understanding to deal with Document Processing that can handle this scenario

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