How to extract data from a table with text and checkboxes using Extract Table Data?

I have a GUI that has a table with text and checkboxes data from which I need to extract data with text and checkboxes as the state (like checked or not). I tried Extract Table Data but it’s unable to extract checkboxes state. In this particular scenario, I ask for help from the UiPath experts to kindly help to automate the procedure.

Here in this image, all the data is getting extracted except for the checkboxes. It’s blank for checkboxes.


Hello @Firefox

  1. Initialize a DataTable to store the extracted data.

  2. Define columns: “Text” for text data and “CheckboxState” for checkbox states.

  3. Iterate through the table rows:
    a. Extract text data using selectors (replace “textSelector”).
    b. Extract checkbox state using selectors (replace “checkboxSelector”).
    c. Convert checkbox state string to a boolean.

  4. Add the extracted data (text and checkbox state) to the DataTable.

  5. After extraction, write the DataTable to a file or perform additional processing.

Thanks & Cheers!!!

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Hi @Firefox
Is the application where you are extracting the data is SAP? if yes then use activity application browser & inside that use Extract Table data. It is working fine & gives Correct results.

Hope this helps!

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Hi Kartheek. Thanks for the response. Would you mind clarifying how to extract data into an already built data table as you have suggested.

thanks. it doesn’t work in my case aj_ask. thanks though.

You don’t extract into an already built datatable. The Extract activity will overwrite whatever you built.

Thanks postwick. What’s the best way then to extract such kind of data?

Using the Extract feature. What I’m saying is it doesn’t extract into an existing datatable structure, it creates the datatable structure for you.