How to download the attachments in an email which contains an attachment in .msg file format

Hello All,

Im trying to download the attachments in the email.

Im able to download the attachments in .xlsx,.pdf but i’m unable to download the attachment present in the .msg

.msg is a outlook item obtained when you save a particular email.

Please advise.


Swapnil, if you open the .msg file by making double click and wait for some time… then it will open in the out look(out look should install on the same machine). Then you can download attachments.

Please make sure attachment also saved with .msg file while saving it. Some times attachment will not save or will corrupt while saving…

Hope my inputs are useful.

You can also script this process in powershell. You should be able to find examples on google. aka:

Not exactly what you want, but that’ll give you a head start if you want to take this approach.

You can then execute your script from Uipath (And pass in your parameters if it’s designed that way)

Hello Ram,

The steps that you advised holds true if the .msg file is already downloaded and then trying to read the attachments.

My question is how to download the .msg file which is in the form of an attachment in the received email.


Click the File tab and then click Save As.

  1. Browse to the file location where you want save the file.
  2. Enter a name for the file in the File name field.
  3. Click the Save as Type drop-down menu and then select Outlook Message Format (*.msg).
  4. Click the Save button. The email message will be saved in MSG (.msg) format.

Sorry, i dont get it.
I have a mail Object that i get from IMAP server (Get IMAP Mail Messages).
This Mail Object should contain an Attachment (testmail.msg). But UiPath says “0 Attachments”.

If you have a process that saves all Attachments from a Mail, why dont you want to save the MailItems Attached aswell. If i dont get the attachment, how does UiPath know that i want to save the file under a certain name. Why not take the name of the attachment.

Is there any way to get all the attachments from an E-Mail and if not, why not. That is so confusing to me. Why cant i use the “Save Attachments” Activity to save these kind of attachment?