Extract details and download attachment from .msg

Hi team,
I am going through this process where I have .msg file and its has table in the body and attachment on the mail how to extract the table and how to download the attachment from .msg file.


Have a look on to these threads

Cheers @Majunu09

Hi @Majunu09
For this u can use a c# code to convert a .msg file to mailmessage object and then u can be to extract the attachemnts

Refer this link for more information on that

Nived N

Can you explain me on the process " Read a.msg file and save attachment"?

@NIVED_NAMBIAR is there any other way caz I am not much in code…

check this

I think this would work your case, converting a .msg file to mailmessage object

The code shared in that thread can be used in a INVOKE CODE activity


@Palaniyappan , can you guide me,?
should I copy all the code("Dim OlApp
Dim Eml
Dim Arg
Set Arg = WScript.Arguments
Dim File

File = Arg(0)

Set OlApp = CreateObject(“Outlook.Application”)
Set Eml = OlApp.CreateItemFromTemplate(File)

Sub Download(objEml)
For Each Attch In objEml.Attachments
Attch.SaveAsFile “C:\temp" & Attch.FileName
End Sub”) and apply on invoke code activity?
and what will be next step?

You can either pass this on INVOKE CODE activity or write in a notepad and save the file with .Vbs extension

Dim OlApp
Dim Eml
Dim Arg
Set Arg = WScript.Arguments
Dim File

File = Arg(0)

Set OlApp = CreateObject(“Outlook.Application”)
Set Eml = OlApp.CreateItemFromTemplate( File )

Sub Download(objEml)
For Each Attch In objEml.Attachments
Attch.SaveAsFile "C:\temp\" & Attch.FileName
End Sub

Here mention your filepath and once been saved as a file
Get the filepath of that file and pass it to START PROCESS activity as input and mention the argument like this

Cheers @Majunu09

@Palaniyappan I am getting this error.

@Palaniyappan @NIVED_NAMBIAR is there any other way to download the attachment in .msg file can you share screen shot or xaml file?

Hi @Majunu09
There is a way to try this but u had to use third party packages

It will works

First Install the below nuget package

From package manager.

Now use the below assign activity

mail_1 = Aspose.Email.Mapi.MapiMessage.FromFile(file_path of the msg file)

datatype of mail_1 : Aspose.Email.Mapi.MapiMessage

Then to access the subject (for example ) u can use

mail_1.Subject -----> will give u the subject of the mail in msg file.

Try this and let me know if it works for u as wellMain.xaml (4.5 KB)

use the above by installing the above dependencies

Hope this will help u

Nived N

@NIVED_NAMBIAR thank you for the reply,
I get the subject of the msg file but how to download that attachment which is inside of it.

@Palaniyappan Hi dude,
can you help me out on automation caz i still unable to download attachment.

Hi @Majunu09

Glad to know that it worked out for you

See what u get is a varaible which is simmilar to functioning of mail message

Now to get the attachment from a varaible u can use the simmilar how u download the attachment in UiPath from mail message varaible

Check out the video


Nived N :robot:

its not outlook mail, its about .msg file. .msg file has attachment and we need to download the attachment.

I mean after the assign activitiy it becomes like mail message type itself

@NIVED_NAMBIAR Hi dude, I have no idea can you share the xaml.

@Palaniyappan Hi dude can you share an xaml file to download .msg file attachment

I got to see a component on this from UiPath marketplace

Pls have a view on it

Cheers @Majunu09