How to do setup for Remote Runtime for Citrix based applications?

Hi Team,

I need help to understand how the UipathRemoteRuntime.msi installer works.

I am doing development for 1 application, which we run through Citrix Receiver. And we have an Enterprise Studio License. With image based and OCR activities it’s not very accurate and hard to develop. Want to explore Cutrix extensions if it can work in our setup

I am confused with the setup.

  1. Which machine do i need to install the UipathRemoteRuntime.msi installer?

I run the citrix based application on my system through Citrix connection Center:

I am following the following doc as well:

If someone can help me to understand the setup, will be much appreciated.




It’s necessary to install into Citrix Application server.



as Yoichi said, its mandatory to install citrix in the server machine. If the citrix receiver isnt working properly, then you should choise computer vision and image automation.


Hi @Yoichi,

Thanks for the quick response!!

Does that mean i don’t need to install UipathRemoteRuntime.msi on local machine, where I am developing through studio and Citrix Reciever is running(where I am using Citrix based application).

I must be installed where Citrix based application server is? whether it’s on cloud on on premise etc. ?



Yes we don’t need it to local machine.
Can you check the following figure? It’s necessary to install UiPath-extensions to Studio/Robot on Local machine. However remote runtime is unnecessary in local machine.


Hi @Yoichi ,

Thanks again!!

I confirmed in my organisation, it seems to be tricky to install UiPathRemoteRuntime.msui on application server. But still i want to put a business case request. In order to do that, i need to understand what are the ptential risks/benefits of installing it on application server.

If anyone, can answer this will be much appreciated.


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