Dismiss the message box “xx words are found and replaced” (click OK button)
The problem:
After clicking Replace All button, I cannot click the OK button. It’s not the click failed or timeouted, but it is never executed. It seems like UiPath is waiting for the message box to be dismissed so Excel can be available, while Excel waits for the message box to be dismissed, so (by UiPath or human) to be available it’s kinda waiting for each other.
Does anybody know how to resolve this?
The message box (it is in Japanese, but it is the message box of Replace All results).
Hello @AshwinS2, thank you for your reply.
I tried too using Excel Application Scope but it has the same result.
The actions after won’t be executed unless the message box is dismissed.
And the action to dimiss the message box is located after the replace.
Hoopps. Seems I explain my question badly.
I don’t think it will have any change in changing my Message Box to Call Out (it is just example anyway).
But thank you for your idea
at me, when my bot was clicking on button Replace All. sometimes dialog box was coming and sometimes not. I also tried both attach browser and excel application scope. but no luck.
I found this beautiful way.