How to create a text file


How can we create a “text file” in a folder while executing the workflow. I am using the folder path from Orchestrator Assets.


  1. Get Asset (Get the value of the “FolderPath” asset from Orchestrator and store it in a variable, e.g., folderPathValue)

  2. Assign (Assign a filename to the text file)

    • To: textFilePath
    • Value: Path.Combine(folderPathValue, “example.txt”)
  3. Write Text File (Create the text file with some content)

    • TextFile: textFilePath
    • Text: “This is a sample text file created during the workflow execution.”

Hi @raju_alakuntla

  1. Assign (Assign a filename to the text file)
 textFilePath= Path.Combine(folderPathValue, “example.txt”)
  1. Use “Write Text File” activity and give the input and whatever filename you give it will be written in that particular format like below.

Hope it helps!!

Hi @raju_alakuntla

Assign (filePath)
To: filePath
Value: Path.Combine(folderPath, “example.txt”)

Write Text File (Write content to the text file)
File Name: filePath
Text: “This is the content of the text file.”

Hope it helps!!

Hi @raju_alakuntla

Use write text file activity



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