How to copy file or folder from remote desktop server into local desktop


I want to make a robot to copy files or folders from a remote desktop server (RDP) into my local desktop. I am using VPN to connect to remote desktop. Is it possible to make it?

If you have any shared location that can be able to access by remote desktop as well local desktop then copy the files into the shared location.


When you open the RDP client (but before you connect), click on “Options”. Then select the “Local Resources” tab, click “More” at the bottom, and select the check boxes for the local drives you want to share/have access to. Then connect as usual.

When you open “My Computer” on the remote server, you’ll now see a new option - “C on [yourcomputername]” or similar. You can now copy to and from your local machine.

Karthik Byggari

Hi @KarthikByggari,

Actually, I’m using FortiClient for VPN. Is it the same setup that I need to do? I’m using FortiClient and Remote Desktop to connect the server.

There will be some settings you have to do to enable your local drives on remote machine.
Please check RDP configuration (I haven’t used FortiClient).

Karthik Byggari

Okay, thanks by the way but I found another way to copy the file which by using robot to manually right click using click activity and paste it into my local desktop. It took many steps and activity to use but it function greatly.

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