How to copy file from one sharepoint folder to another sharepoint folder

Hello team,

I have a requirement on copying the files from one sharepoint folder to another sharepoint folder (in the same sharepoint) after processing.
Ex: moving file from input sharepoint folder to processed sharepoint folder.

How do i implement this?


you can look in to it.


in “FROM” field give current file name path in “DESTINATION” as per your require.



Use Find Files and Folders activity
Site URL: https:/
Drive: Root folder of document library
First: output of find files and folders activity

Then use Copy/Move File/Folder activity:
Destination folder: output of First from above find files and folders activity
File or folder to move: driveitem variable
driveitem variable is reference to file to first sharepoint folder
New Name (optional) :
left(ChangeTask_Template.Name.ToString, ChangeTask_Template.Name.ToString.IndexOf(“.”)) + “_” + DateTime.Now.ToString(“MMddyyyyhhmmss”)+ “.xlsx”

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