Hello i am learning UiPath and have not programming background.
I am finding a product on webpage and data is taking from Excel sheet Column B
when i found the product on webpage with element exist or with help of CTRL+F
then I am trying to send a click on that product . how can send a click on that product
@Nguyen_Van_Luong1 thanks but I want to know that how to exactly click on product which I am finding on webpage . because when we need to send click we need to define the position where we will click . in my case the product can be on variable position if product goes up then it will not click on right product. Product finding data is taking from Excel sheet ./
yes, I see, quantity always change, index of product change
you can use check element exist to check or image exist,…
or get correct name of it then click
use get attribute activity , indicate the link element with the link.
set attribute = "href:
save it to a string variable .eg. “link”
now use navigate to activity and set url = link
but i have not link of url i have only product name
@Nguyen_Van_Luong1 with Element Exist activity i am checking product is on this page or not otherwise go to next page but when the product is found on page but it is not clicking on it . I tried to send Click on next step but product is not fixed
You would create a dynamic selector for your Click activity. Open UI Explorer, indicate an example of one of the things you want to click, and post a screenshot from UI Explorer of the selector. Then show us the value you’re getting from the data that you want to use to determine which one to click.
here is one problem my product is not fixed i am using column B from excel sheet to check the product on webpage , once a product found and click on it then I will move to next product … and everyday products will get change.
please suggest in this context
- Read Range the Excel file into a datatable
- For Each Row in Data Table
** Click - you create a dynamic selector to click the desired product based on the Excel data.
Open UI Explorer, indicate an example of one of the things you want to click, and post a screenshot from UI Explorer of the selector. Then show us the value you’re getting from the data that you want to use to determine which one to click.