How to check whether a child element is disabled

Hello everyone, hope you all are having a great day. I’m trying to to automate this dropdown list. a . This list has a child like this c naming “Sample campaign 1”. If clicked on the child a notification is sent and the child becomes disabled like this b

Now my goal is to 1. check the dropdown list 2. If the child says sample campaign 1 then click and send mail 3. If the child says already invited then close the drop down list.

I’m struggling to perform the activity in point 3. Is there any way i can check whether the dropdown child is clickable or not? Thanks in advance for the help.

Hi @yasir.hoq.bssp

Can I know one thing

Do there is always one option in the drop-down?

And also can u share the screenshot of uiexplorer of drop-down before clicking the option and after clicking the option