How to check radio button is checked or not in excel

Hi All,

Can anyone know please respond asap.


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we can use GET ATTRIBUTE activity if we are able to choose the check box as a element and get the output value for attribute aastate or checked with a variable of type string named str_attrvalue
and use a if condition to validate it like this
str_attrvalue.ToString.Contains(“enabled”) //enabled or not based on the value of the attributes
with the expression
str_attrvalue.ToString.Contains(“True”) //True or False based on the value of those attribute value

if true it will go to THEN part where we can use CLICK activity to click on the button


we can use IMAGE EXISTS ACTIVITY where we need to choose the term along with its check box ticked as a image with this activity and get the output with a variable of type boolean named bool_checked
now use a if condition with a expression like this
bool_checked = True
if true it will go to THEN part where we can leave it empty if not will go to ELSE part where we can use a click activity to click on te check box

hope this would help you
Cheers @Devaraju


Thanks palaniyappan.

Kindly let know for any queries or clarification
Cheers @Devaraju
