How To Change Word Document Font Size, Font Name and Font Color

Hello Everyone,

How can I change a specific line’s font size, name, and color in a word document?
example- (Font name: Times of Roman, size- 11, color=Green)

Thanks in advance

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Hi @tushar,

Check this out:

There is an option to Text Formatting

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Hi @gustavo.cervelin,

Thanks for sharing this but now how can I change the ‘Font Color’ , can you please guide me on this?

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Hi @tushar,

About ‘Font Color’…

First you need to select the text. Then, I see two options:

  1. Create a shortcut that represents the color (do it manually). After that, you just need to use a “send hot keys” activity.
    How can I change text color via keyboard shortcut in MS word 2010 - Stack Overflow.

  2. If you don’t want to create a shortcut you can use a shortcut already available in Word, which accesses a UI to choose the color.
    ATL+H, FC, S, and change to the other tab.
    Finally, choose your color :slight_smile:
    I would go with Hex option

Let me know if you need any help.



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