How To Change formatting of Words in Word Documents ?
First need to count the total number of word occurence and than change inside the document the format of this word : Color, font, …etc. Thanks
How To Change formatting of Words in Word Documents ?
First need to count the total number of word occurence and than change inside the document the format of this word : Color, font, …etc. Thanks
Thanks Nithinkrishna, I will check that.
Okay cool @hsendel
Feel free to post if you face any difficulties.
Thanks @Nithinkrishna , not possible to be done though Uipath Activities only ?
Hey @hsendel
Finding duplicate words is possible but coming to formatting I don’t think so as of now with available activities !
YES, this is the trick, how to find the number of word occurrence ? than I can do the rest with recording activities using while activity to go through all the items.
Excat!!! Check my previous message I have made some changes on it
To count the word appearence , I founf the following RegEx formula : system.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Matches(inputText,“Word”).Count
Let me check the rest
Okay @hsendel Sure. Let us know.
But just to suggest, my go to option will not be Ui-Automation but still if that’s going to give you accurate results then its fine !
If you can share how to do this using : VBA or Microsoft Interop library as suggested it will be fine .
Okay @hsendel Sure.
If something is not find with the Existing UI method which you made we can surely work on the alternate part…
Hello @hsendel ,
Check whether the below post can help you.